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Since February this year, we have been actively educating members of public through public roadshows. So far, we have set up our exhibitions at void decks, street parties, parks and many other public areas.

Through community outreach, we hope to educate members of public on how to co-exist with our native wildlife, and also learn from them the conflict situations on the ground and public perception. Many may often be fearful and might act in a way that might provoke or threaten both the human�s and animal�s safety.

We hope that with education, majority of residents will understand proper wildlife etiquette so that harmony between humans and our wildlife neighbours can be achieved.

Our heartfelt thanks to the HSBC for supporting our native wildlife campaign, and helping us to raise awareness through these roadshows.

If you would like us to set up a awareness raising booth at your block party/neighbourhood event, please write to joe@acres.org.sg!

#ACRES #SgWildlife #LivingInHarmony #Co-Existence #EndAnimalCruelty #OutreachForAnimals

Source: https://www.facebook.com/ACRESasia/photos/a.223077136522.136..




ACRES (Animal Concerns Research & Education Society) is a pioneering Singapore-based charity and Institution of Public Character, founded by Singaporeans in 2001 with the aim of promoting animal welfare.

ACRES has six focus areas: Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation, Wildlife Crime Investigation, Zoo Animal Welfare, Humane Education, Community Outreach and Promoting Cruelty-Free Living.

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