How Mr Zurik Was Tricked!
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It was Mr Zurik who simply refused to eat Barf since April this year. Pole was actually willing to take Barf neat in April but have somehow “forgotten” it is food and now, refuses to eat it.
But I thought of an idea of how to integrate some raw food in our home-cooked food – Upon blending the home-cooked food, I put some raw muscle meat and organs (liver and heart – for the taurine) into the blender and blended everything together.
Mr Zurik was served this raw-food-laced home-cooked gourmet this morning and he ate it all up! Well, this is a good start! At least I can hide some raw food into his food now.
Shh….don’t tell him.
Yesterday I bought meat to make another batch of home-cooked meals. On such days, the cats get a treat of raw muscle meat, raw bone, liver and heart. The PatioCats were eating this in the kitchen. Mr Zurik came, sniffed at it and looked at me (“Is this food??”).
All the PatioCats eat raw food.
Inside, I still cannot get Pole to eat raw food. It’s strange how in April this year, she was eating Barf in all its splendour but now simply refuses. I gave her the raw-food-laced home-cooked meal; she could sniff out the raw food in it. She didn’t want any of it at all, but finally was at least willing to lick a teeny weeny bit of it.
I suppose Poldrey Hepburn wants only the finer things in life…
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