
Tiger, After 24 Days On Medication


Today is the last day for Tiger’s Itraconazole. I’m glad he has completed the course of 24 days. He was also on Liv-52 as a liver protectant throughout this period.

The lesions have not recovered completely, but there has been improvement. Many have dried up, especially the ones on his back where he doesn’t get to lick.


Unfortunately, the seizures started again on 25th November and has been happening at the rate of about once per day. They are preceded by intense, frenzied biting.

He still has to wear his robes. But when he starts biting, sometimes his teeth or paw gets stuck in the tshirt and he panics. Often this results in a seizure, but I think the seizure happens because of the intense biting and not because his teeth get stuck in the tshirt.

Yesterday, when his teeth got stuck in the robe, I took the robe off, but that did not help at all. It only made it worse. He went straight for his bare skin and the biting set off another seizure. So the robes stay on.

When he bites too intensely, I take off the robe and quickly put the e-collar on him. Of course, the e-collar stops all the biting and licking. And the seizures too.



The lesions at the back have dried up.


The lesions on the thighs and genital area are still there, but they have not got worse. The vet was right – if only he could stop licking, it will heal faster.

Also, I know it will take time to heal, especially for Tiger, with his compromised immunity.


The reemergence of the seizures was not totally unexpected since he started biting and licking feverishly again. I put him back on Prochlorperazine immediately and hope that it will help. The last time, it took 1.5 months for the seizures to finally stop on his own (under Prochlor).

Although the lesions have not healed completely and the seizures have returned, one good thing that has happened is that Tiger is starting to put on weight! He had lost a considerable amount of weight since the seizures started 5 months ago (despite eating well and that was worrying), but now, finally, he is slowly gaining weight.


One step at a time, we will get there.

All in due course. Nature does not hurry, so neither should we.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2016/12/07/tiger-after-24-days-on-m..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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