Mr Gs Eventful Visit
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For the readers who have been with us years ago when we first moved into this neighbourhood, you would most definitely remember the every-delightful Mr G, from the road at the back.
Mr G would come daily and this went on for more than a year. He had breakfast with all our PatioCats too.
The thing is, before we moved in, Mr G had already occupied our garden so as far as he is concerned, this place IS his place. Remember Snow White? She was here too, but her owner finally took her back to the kampung.
I also managed to persuade Mr G’s owner to get him neutered, after a year. Soon, it came to a point where Mr G was putting on too much weight (I guess he was having meals at his house as well as at ours) and he also began marking in our house (urinating on whatever container or box he could find in our house).
So I had to stop feeding him to discourage him from coming. After all, he is not a stray. His home is just at the back road.
I think Mr G had quite a following in this blog too!
Now, about 2 weeks ago, Mr G started “coming back”. He would travel on the ledge and sit to watch the goings-on in Bunny’s Place.
This morning, when I started feeding the PatioCats, Mr G came running from his house at the back (yes, running) on the ledge to our garden.
Here he comes…
Hello, Mr G. How are you? It’s been a very long time…
The PatioCats weren’t exactly disturbed by his presence although I don’t think Mr Zurik knows Mr G. This is before Mr Zurik’s time.
Daffodil, Ginger and Rosie know Mr G very well. They were all friends before we moved into this neighbourhood. In fact, Mr G could very well be Ginger and Daffodil’s father (that’s just our calculated guess based on the fact that Daffodil and Mr G are really good friends and both Daffodil and Ginger still travel on the ledge to visit Mr G, or at least, go to his house and sit on the ledge there).
So, Mr G and started mewing VERY loudly and rubbing himself all over my legs. Okay, he still remembers us, obviously.
He kept looking at the PatioCats eating and mewed non-stop so I guessed he was hungry.
Good neighbourliness?
I didn’t give him so much as I’m not sure if he’s really hungry or just…you know.
Moreover, I’m also not sure what food he is supposed to be on.
That’s all you offer me to eat? I mean, after so many years, I come by, and that’s all you give me??
I want more food.
If only I can make you understand. F-O-O-D, get it?
Does Heidi know Mr G? Now, I cannot remember the chronological arrival of each cat to our patio. My memory fails me these days.
Ok, ok, obviously Heidi does not know who he is.
More food for our guest. But not too much.
I think Vincent knows Mr G, but again, I’m not sure. Vincent came with Willy. Willy has since gone back to his kampung after I got him neutered and treated for diarrhoea and malnutrition.
I’m going in.
Er, Mr G, please…no. Would you mind just sitting at the patio, please?
Ok, I’m calling your human, Mr G. I think you should go home.
So I texted Mr G’s human and there was no reply, so I called her and told her that Mr G was at my house and seemed to be extremely hungry. Vincent, Heidi and Mr Zurik had also left the patio, rather unhappily. At this point, I don’t think I can cope with anymore new cats because the presence of a new cat definitely upsets the equilibrium, that is, IF there is even an equilibrium here because lately, Ginger (yes, mild-mannered, sweet-faced Ginger) has been bullying Vincent and even Rosie, his sister.
The diplomatic relations in a cat colony is fluid, unlike that of dogs. There is no fixed leader in a cat colony.
(reminiscent of Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader!)
Mr Zurik decided to play it safe. The KGB trained him well. A good defense is a good offence, but if an offence is not needed, staying on higher ground would do just as fine.
Nothing escapes me. I protect Bunny’s Place.
You do not want to mess with the Wrath of Cow.
So, Mr G’s owner sent her son over to take Mr G back and he came over soon enough. I let him in and Mr G hissed at him. Not surprising at all, when cats are in a different environment, they conveniently forget who you are. Or maybe, in this case, Mr G just wasn’t ready to go home yet.
Anyway, the young gentleman carried Mr G back, out of our gate and into his car, but before he could get into the car, Mr G kicked off and ran off. Not far away, though. The young man tried to get him back, but Mr G quickly ran back into our house and up he went onto the ledge.
I told the young man that this probably means he wants to go home on his own and doesn’t want to be “carted home” in an undignified manner. By then, Mr G’s owner had also driven over to help in the situation.
Well, cats will be cats, right? Humans used to worship them in ancient Egypt, remember? And those days, if anyone were to accidentally cause a cat’s death, it was the death penalty for these errant humans.
A cat demands to be treated in a dignified manner. A royal manner might even be preferred, if possible.
Mr G did go home, finally. He traveled leisurely on the ledge, taking his own sweet time and soon, I heard his owners coaxing him to come down from the ledge at his house.
Mr G has gone home?
Yes, Daffodil, Mr G has gone home, but you know you can visit him anytime, right?
Just now, I heard my son saying that he saw Mr G on our road again, later this morning. Looks like our old friend decided to make a trip here again.
I won’t be entirely surprised if Mr G turns up for breakfast again tomorrow!
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