Gingers Scare Of His Life
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I don’t know if you remember sometime ago, there was a dog with a collar in our neighbourhood, but we could not locate his owner. Well, the dog has been adopted by a friend in the neighbourhood and that’s all good.
This dog must be very young, because he’s hyper active and very friendly. He often tears the netting of his (new) home and escapes to the playground to look for adventures.
Today, the dog came to our house because our gate was open and he even came inside the house. All the PatioCats fled except Ginger. Ginger is, unfortunately, a little “slow” in such things unless his mum tells him what to do.
Before we could do anything, the dog chased Ginger and luckily Ginger was fast enough to run and jump up the garbage compartment to the ledge and onto the neighbour’s roof.
Phew, that was close. All we could do was watch because it all happened in a flash. There wasn’t anything we could do. The dog was just too fast.
Then Ginger watched from the roof, as we futilely tried to catch the dog. He was just too fast for us.
Finally, when the dog was safely taken back by his owner, it was time to pacify Ginger and coax him to come down from the ledge.
Come, Ginger, come. It’s safe to come back now…
Thank goodness cats can jump, and thank goodness we had the garbage compartment slab and the ledge for Ginger to escape to. I shudder to think what would have happened had this “escape route” not existed.
I understand now that some dogs are just hyper active and it may not take any provocation for them to chase you. The dog comes to my husband and me at the playground too, but as humans, we understand that he only wants to play. He’s probably still very young. He doesn’t harm us, but he does pounce on us, and if he pounces on a cat, that wouldn’t be good. He doesn’t mean any harm, of course.
Daffodil was at the patio.
I’m not coming down until I know it’s safe!
Luckily it didn’t take that long to convince Ginger that it was already safe.
I don’t blame him, though. That was a big scare, even for us. More so for us, as we couldn’t do anything at all.
Step by step, I had to keep encouraging him to come closer.
Any dog?
Ginger is smart to stop at the garbage compartment slab. Yes, that’s smart of you, Ginger.
Sniffing for dog scent….
Yay! Ginger is back.
I carried him back into the house.
I don’t know where Heidi went during the dog fiasco, but she’s back now.
Smart girl.
Family support for Ginger.
We’re taking care of Ginger.
Comfort on the security Carebears blankie.
Daffodil kept Ginger company for more than 5 hours, never leaving him at all.
Doesn’t Daffodil deserve the Mother-of-the-Year award?
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