
Vincents Stomatitis Condition (and Progress)


This morning, Vincent ate his food and there was a bit of difficulty giving him his medicine. I tried to open his jaw, but he pulled back. This means it still hurts.

We decided caging him was causing him much stress and we did not want him to have a negative perception of being caged, so we made a calculated decision and let him out.

Vincent did not come back for lunch, but he did, for dinner!

When he came back, I had no choice but to carry him and gently put him back into the condo. He did not resist. This was to enable me to feed him some food and also ensure he eats up the TF and turmeric mixed with the food.

Initially, he was reluctant to eat (and I was worried) but finally, he ate everything up and even had a second helping. Vincent preferred Monge to Natural Balance. I guess this can be a good sign as it means he is able to chew the Monge. He even ate some kibbles.


I managed to rub quite a bit of nutri-gel (nutrient paste) onto his mouth (below his nose) and he licked it all up. This is just to ensure that he has enough nutrients to help him get back to better health.

We also decided to let Vincent out after he had finished his food. This was also done so that he perceives being caged as just a meal-time event. Cage = Yummy Food. Hopefully, he perceives this positively.


Vincent did not run away when I let him out. In fact, he took his own time in slowly walking out of the cage, then walked a few steps and stopped to groom himself for quite awhile.

This is a good sign. His confidence is back!


I read that being able to groom (using the tongue, jaw and mouth) is also a good sign for cats recovering from stomatitis. It means it doesn’t hurt that much anymore.



Vincent is not afraid of Ginger too.

Wow…things are looking up here!




Vincent stayed in the porch after that…for quite some time.

This used to be his usual spot.

Get well soon, Vincent!!

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2016/03/09/vincents-stomatitis-cond..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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