
We Seek Your Cooperation, Please


Dear Applicants,

We seek your cooperation and kind understanding once again to please comply with our procedures and (especially) photo requirements, as follows:

* Short write-up about animal – where rescued, after neutering – to adopt, rehome or release?
* A collage of photos before operation showing face and body of animal, after operation showing the surgical scar, face and body of animal in awakened state.

Sample write-up:

This cat/dog was rescued from the roadside/drain/was found abandoned near a shop. I will be adopting/rehoming/releasing the dog/cat.

Sample photos:


Sample receipt:


The receipt must be issued to your full name and must be signed and stamped by the vet. It must also be fully itemised and dated.

From now on, if you are unable to comply with our requirements, I’m afraid we won’t be writing back and forth (or calling, or texting) to ask for more details.

And please, please, please do not ask us to call your vet for clarification. If you are applying for something, it would be your responsibility to comply with the requirements. Doesn’t this make sense? Not for the fund provider to fill in the gaps for you. We are already going all out, exhausting our resources to raise funds to help you, so could you please help yourself here by complying with what is required?


Thank you!




Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2016/02/23/we-seek-your-cooperation..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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