"Fetch" App: What Dog Are You?
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“Fetch” App: What Dog Are YOU?
Have fun with Microsoft’s latest Garage project: Fetch!, a new iPhone app that looks at photos of dogs to identify its breed. Or, in the case when it can’t make an exact match, the app will show you a percentage of the closest match.
Oh yes, in case you’re wondering – you can use it with people, too.
The app is the latest in a series of fun projects that are meant to highlight machine learning’s potential. In this case, that’s the ability to look at an image and make some sort of determination about its contents – basically, it’s teaching machines to make the sort of intuitive leaps that people naturally do.
As Fetch proves, this process is actually harder than it looks. People can easily put together different pieces of information on the fly to make an educated guess about something like a dog’s breed, but machines have to be taught using a combination of correct images, expert data about breeds, and machine intelligence.
The app in particular uses a machine learning technique called deep neural networks.
“…there is very advanced work underway at Microsoft in this area, which are able to take apart subtle differences, even when breeds look similar or through the many different colors within breeds,” explains Mitch Goldberg, a development director at Microsoft Research in Cambridge, U.K based team built the experience. “Every time we add more, that’s the beauty of the deep neural network in understanding new, unique breeds. This is a really complex problem.”
To use the app, you simply show it a picture of a dog and it returns the breed. If there’s no dog in the photo, it says…”No dogs found!” But it also might guess what the photo is of, instead. (e.g. “This looks more like…flower?”)
There’s also a pretty hilarious hidden mode where you show the app a picture of a friend, and it will tell you what type of dog it thinks that person is…which, you know, can be quite insightful.
The results Fetch presents can then be shared via social networks and email, so all your friends can comment on your doggie match. You can also save your favorites in an included scrapbook or browse the list of breeds included in the app which contain details like size, coat, disposition, and more.
You can also access their web-based version at http://what-dog.net/.
Need a cute pet to test this cool app with? Adopt one now at http://PetFinder.my!
Source: http://tcrn.ch/1LkXxpq
Source: https://www.facebook.com/PetFinder.my/videos/104885865849309..
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