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It’s me, Jess. My name is Reva now, and I wanted to stop by to thank the people like you who made my rescue possible and to update you on my new life.
Soi Dog is always in need of help to stop the terribly cruel dog meat trade and to rescue more dogs like me. If it hadn’t been for those kind people who responded to that appeal, I wouldn’t be here now.
I would have been tortured for hours, force-fed and beaten, before finally being skinned alive.
Instead, I was rescued thanks to people like you and I was then adopted by Petra and her family in California. Here we are at the beach!
I haven’t forgotten the others. Please don’t forget them either. Will you please visit https://savedogs.soidog.org/care and commit to saving them?
If YOU join the fight against the dog meat trade, so many more dogs like me will be saved. Without you, innocent, petrified dogs will be tortured for hours – before being slaughtered in the most brutal ways imaginable.
Don’t let this happen. Please.
Visit https://savedogs.soidog.org/care to join the fight against the dog meat trade to shut down the dog butchers, and to save more dogs like me.
Thank you, from Reva.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/SoiDogPageInEnglish/photos/a.137025..
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