
Please Speak Up For The Dogs (and Cats) Of Yulin


We published this a few days ago: https://myanimalcare.org/2015/06/17/an-update-on-the-yulin-event/

We do not really know what is happening but from the various news in the media, it appears that the event might still be on.

From Leona Lewis: http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/if-we-dont-stop-the-yulin-meat-festival-thousands-of-dogs-and-cats-will-be-bludgeoned-to-death-and-eaten-10328397.html

An excerpt:

The Yulin festival has been the focus of peaceful protests in more than 50 Chinese towns and cities, and this year a proposal for a nationwide ban on killing dogs and cats for meat was introduced in China, with 2m Chinese people supporting it online. HSI supports many Chinese animal groups and campaigners, all actively engaged in trying to end the dog meat trade. They are incredibly brave, often stopping trucks packed with hundreds of dogs, many of them still wearing their collars, headed for slaughterhouses and events just like Yulin.

I am inspired by these Chinese campaigners. They challenge our assumption that this animal cruelty is a part of Chinese culture, or they welcome the global solidarity that opposition to the Yulin cruelty has created. Far from being an ancient tradition, the Yulin festival was in fact only invented in 2010, and not for culture reasons at all but to boost business for the dog meat traders. Why? Because most people in China don’t actually eat dog and cat meat – it’s not part of the culinary norm in China – and a growing proportion of the population is angry that this trade persists.

Sometimes the scale of animal suffering in the world seems overwhelming, and it’s easy to feel that nothing we do as individuals can make a difference. But doing nothing is not an option. Every single one of us has a voice, and we can use our voice to speak up for those who have none. So I urge you to sign HSI’s petition to the Guangxi Party Secretary Peng Qinghua at and to make your voice heard. And if the Yulin dog meat festival makes you think a little more deeply about all the other animals in the world who suffer for our plate, then that’s a good thing too.

So, please speak up for the dogs (and cats)!!

Sign up in both these sites or any others that you come across, the more, the better.



A gentle reminder from the above: If the Yulin dog meat festival makes you think a little more deeply about all the other animals in the world who suffer for our plate, then that’s a good thing too.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2015/06/20/please-speak-up-for-the-..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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