Another Gentle Reminder (please Refer Applicants Directly To Us)
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I’m afraid I have to write this again.
We truly appreciate people and organisations who refer animal caregivers to us so that they could apply for our subsidies. But could we please appeal to these well-intentioned people and organisations to either
A. give the animal caregivers my email contact ( or direct them to our website,, and let us liaise with them directly,
B. give the animal caregivers the complete information on what is required in an application (please refer to
Between (A) and (B), I prefer (A).
This week, we’ve had to reject applications. Today, we received 7 applications but could only pay our subsidies to 4 of them. Why so? Well, because the other 3 were incomplete (no photos, no name on receipt, no write-up, etc.).
And I’ve emailed and called the applicants, but there is no reply. And based on past experience, when they do reply, it could be way past the deadline and usually the reply would be: But so-and-so told me you’d pay if I just posted the receipt to you. So-and-so did not say I had to send photos or anything else. So-and-so did not say the receipt had to be in my name. So-and-so did not tell me there was a deadline.
So, we are appealing to so-and-so again now, and this is not for the first time, please, please, please do either (A) or (B).
(A) would be best.
It’s not pleasant having to reject applications when the fault is not exactly the applicants’. Meanwhile, I hope the three applicants will respond soon. One has no email address and when I called her, she cut off the phone. So…tell me, how else can we help?
Thank you.
P.S. “So-and-so” includes individuals, organisations as well as vets.
Note: We have quite a number of applicants who cannot read or write. We communicate through other means and there is no problem at all. Just direct them to us. Please do not give out inadequate information. The follow-through and damage control that I have to do really takes a toll on me.
And please don’t worry about people who are not tech-savvy. If they need the subsidy, they will find a way to contact us. They will find friends who are willing to help them communicate with us.
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