When Is Your Pet Considered A senior?
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See this:http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2014/10/02/pet-retirement-home.aspx
Wow, I have so many senior cats already – Cow, Bunny, Pole, Tiger, Cleo and even Indy, then there’s Daffodil, Heidi, and I’m not sure of the age of the rest of Team Bird.
Doing the one-eyed stunt to attract my attention!!
No eyes!!
I’m guessing that Ginger and Rosie are of the same age as Tabs, ie. 5 years.
I like this part:
Reasons Why Senior Pets Are Awesome
I’ve focused a lot on the extra care that senior pets often require, but let’s not overlook their many benefits. Older pets are usually already housetrained and obedience trained. They’re far less likely to be destructive around your home (your shoes won’t be chewed up, for instance), and because they don’t require as much activity as a puppy, they’re wonderful for cuddling up on the couch.
Older pets also tend to be much calmer than younger dogs, and if you’re thinking of adopting an older dog or cat, his personality and size will already be apparent. Somehow, older pets seem to know you gave them a home when no one else would. Many new owners form a close bond very quickly with their senior dog or cat, because the pet shows them a level of attention and devotion that is unique to older adopted animals. If you don’t believe me, just try it for yourself.
Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2015/03/29/when-is-your-pet-consider..
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