Berjaya Founders Day (the Event)
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Today’s the day!
We wish to thank Tan Sri Vincent Tan, Berjaya Cares and Better Malaysia Foundation for their generosity in giving us these funds in support of our work. We are deeply honoured and grateful.
A presentation by the Berjaya staff.
Here we are, with the mock cheque.
That’s Mary (it’s been a long time!), me, Xiang Jun (our new volunteer) and Terry.
We were terribly short-handed at the last minute, so we thank Xiang Jun very much for taking time and comingall the way to help us today.
For future events, we are also terribly short-handed. If you’d like to help us, please write to me. Criteria: Reliable, honest and willing to carry things (!) and help all day. Preferably a blog reader so that you are familiar with our work.
Sales was pretty good. We sold out on our sling bags, the little owls (yes, all have flown to their new homes), our soap (gosh, we should have brought more!) and Path-Away. People were asking for our toothpaste too, but I figured we won’t have table space for so many things. We brought a lot of tshirts and sales was quite good too.
We all had a great time today and once again, we thank Berjaya Foundation very much for the opportunity to spread the awareness on how we can all help animals.
And I have a side-story here, a “side-story” no doubt, but also one that I’ll like to tell as it does concern AnimalCare in a very big way.
This is my friend and doctor, Dr Phang Cheng Kar. And the reason that AnimalCare is well and alive today, and that I am well and alive today, is largely due to the good doctor’s help.
If you remember, in December, I was contemplating (and almost did) closing AnimalCare as I was far too sick to carry on. It was Dr Phang who told me to hang on and just do less, and not to close something so precious to me. Then, hehelped me recover and I did, in just a few weeks.
If I may continue with this side story, sometimes when we are so sick physically wemight not realise that there is a mental component to physical wellbeing. Taking care of the mind can help physical healing tremendously, and vice versa. The social stigma attached to seeking treatment for mental health (behavioral therapy, psychiatry or whatever name itis called) has to be removed. Healing is a holistic process, involving both mind and body, and has to be recognised as such.
Animal caregivers sometimes come under tremendous pressure because of the work we do. Compassion fatigue, they call it. We need to take care of our health so that we can give our best to the animals under our care.
Thank you, Dr Phang. AnimalCare thanks you too. Very much.
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