
Kittens For Adoption (Lina Wong Li Ngars)


If interested, please contact Lina directly.

Location: Klang Valley

From:Lina W<linalnw@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 3:26 PM
Subject: CNRM – C Stage
To: chankahyein@gmail.com

Hello Dr. Chan,

I have been reading online and found out your website that helps public with subsidy on spaying fee for strays.

I was planning to send Mimi, one of the strays that I feed daily in PJ. Mimi was afraid of people, I started feeding her when she was still kitten when she’d wait until I walked away to approach her dinner at the back our house.

When we gained her trust finally that she’d rub against our legs, it was unfortunate to find out she was pregnant. As a stray, it is her habit to stray around the neighbourhood daily, but on that faithful morning of 9th Oct 2014, she lied quietly in the box we prepared for her. That afternoon being worried, during my lunch break from work, I went back to find out 5 beautiful kittens milking at exhausted Mimi. And I have been taking care of them since.

As a first timer (I’m unsure to call myself a rescuer) I got a bit out of place especially with timing, when to send Mimi for spaying before next pregnancy, when to separate babies from mama cat (clinic advised mammary gland must not be swollen to be accepted for surgery), when to wean (with milk or canned?) kittens, when to publish for adoption etc.

They are now 4 weeks old, which I believe still best to stay with their mum, but I am more than happy if you could help posting up photos of these angels for adoption.

My concern now would be that I will be away for business trip end of this month for a week. I will be thankful and kittens will be blissful if already adopted by then. If not, I will really need a fosterer who can foster the 5 kittens that week.

I plan to arrange Mimi’s spay around 1st week of December (which hopefully her mammary glands’ condition allow by then).

Please see attached some of their photos. I sincerely thank you in advanced for helping.

Wong Li Ngar Lina




Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2014/11/07/kittens-for-adoption-lina..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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