Before You Throw A Bucket Of Ice Water Over Yourself
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Why Pamela Anderson, an animal rights supporter, rejected the ice bucket challenge:
The simple answer: Because ALS research involves a lot of animal testing which is cruel (to the little animals).
In a Facebook post written Wednesday, August 20, Anderson explains she would like to “challenge ALS to stop Animal testing.”
The former “Baywatch” star, 47, further explains that experiments made on animals to find a cure for ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease) in humans have been unfruitful, and encourages her fans to “support charities that never harm animals and which pour their time and resources into advanced, promising, human-relevant cures.”
And,further to the above:
Recent experiments funded by the ALS Association, mice had holes drilled into their skulls, were inflicted with crippling illnesses, and were forced to run on an inclined treadmill until they collapsed from exhaustion. Monkeys had chemicals injected into their brains and backs and were later killed and dissected.
What is the result of these experiments (other than a lot of suffering)?
In the past decade, only about a dozen experimental ALS treatments have moved on to human trials after being shown to alleviate the disease in animals. All but one of these treatments failed in humansand the one that passed offers only marginal benefits to humans who suffer from ALS.
This massive failure rate is typical for animal experiments, because even though animals feel pain and suffer like we do, their bodies often react completely differently to drugs and diseases. According to the FDA, 92 out of every 100 drugs that pass animal trials fail during the human clinical trial phase.
Please rethink animal testing.
Is it fair to create so much suffering to defenseless and weaker animals just so that one (self-proclaimed) superior species can survive and prosper?
On the other side of the coin, not everyone is an animal lover, so this issueof animal testing is highly controversial. Some humans feel animal testing is justified.
Hence, the ice bucket challengewill go on.
But dunking a puppy?
Now, that is totally unfair.
Humans may wish to do whatever they want in the name of “fun”, but to subject animals to their brand of “fun” is wrong, especially when it harms the animal.
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