
About Poisoning In Dogs And Cats


While I was at the vet’s, I took the opportunity to ask about poisoning in dogs and cats and this is what I’ve learnt. However, if there are any errors in what I write below, the mistakes are entirely mine.

I asked what might be the chances of an animal surviving the ingestion of poison. The vet says it all depends on the type of poison.

1. Rat poison is common and some can be deadly.

2. Car and fridge coolant is also another deadly poison. It leaks from the fridge or car and it tastes sweet. So dogs and cats may lick it. It is a very deadly poison, so please check your fridges and check your car engines to make sure the coolant does not leak out. The toxic chemical is etylene glycol:http://www.humanesociety.org/animals/resources/tips/antifreeze.html

3. Ant and insect poison is very deadly. This can cause seizures in cats and dogs.

4. Panadol-poisoning is also common. Dogs may be able to survive it better than cats as their threshold is higher (200mg/kg) whereas a cat’s threshold is only 50mg/kg. Do NOT give Panadol to cats and dogs. A human’s liver can metabolise Panadol but animals cannot do this well enough especially when the Panadol dosage is formulated for humans.

We say: PLEASE do not use any form of poison. Live and let live. Deter “pests” in safer ways, like using pandan leaves, cloves, etc.

Just to share, I once sprayed a mosquito repellent which is non-toxic and herbal on my skin to prevent mosquito bites on myself. Indy came to lick it and he immediately foamed at the mouth. I quickly took him to the tap and washed his mouth with water. So please take heed that “non-toxic” could be just not toxic to humans. It can still be toxic to animals. And animals, as sensitive as their noses may be, may not be able to sniff out what is toxic and what is not. We have to safeguard them. I read that tea tree oil is toxic to cats. Hence, certain things are good for us, they may be herbal and “non-toxic” but they can be deadly to the defenseless animals.

Our disclaimer holds. This post is written with the best of intentions to share, but please check with your veterinarian for accuracy of facts.


Thank you, everyone, for sharing and contributing. Let me add to this list, for the benefit of all caregivers:

5. Weedkiller – be cautious if the municipal workers use weedkiller in your area. Highly toxic and deadly.

6. Permethrin – present in anti-flea treatment for DOGS. Deadly to cats.

7. A list of poisonous (household) substances to cats:http://www.icatcare.org/advice/keeping-your-cat-safe/cats-and-poisons


Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2014/05/24/about-poisoning-in-dogs-a..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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