
Updates On 22nd Feb 2014


ACRES receives a large portion of its funding from individual donors like you. Your donation is vital to the

continuation of our work to rescue wild animals and support our various ongoing campaigns.

There are many ways you can help. Please consider the options below and donate now to help us help the animals!

1. Make a one-time contribution.

2. Make a monthly contribution.

3. Become an animal benefactor and sponsor one of the animals at our rescue centre.

More details can be found here:


Or you could email Kenneth at:


Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151995989541523&set..




ACRES (Animal Concerns Research & Education Society) is a pioneering Singapore-based charity and Institution of Public Character, founded by Singaporeans in 2001 with the aim of promoting animal welfare.

ACRES has six focus areas: Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation, Wildlife Crime Investigation, Zoo Animal Welfare, Humane Education, Community Outreach and Promoting Cruelty-Free Living.

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