Dr Jane Goodall And Wounda
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Akmar shared this:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2557961/Thanks-The-touching-moment-chimp-nursed-health-hugs-carer.html
As the door to Wounda’s box is opened, she scampers around but stays close to her human caregivers.
She stands on top of her box and sits down to take in her new surroundings.
Then, without thinking, she turns and hugs Dr. Goodall in a moving moment of tenderness between human and chimpanzee.
The embrace between the two appears to last for several minutes.
No words are spoken but it seems clear what both are feeling.
Slowly and cautiously, Wounda wonders into the new undergrowth that lays before her.
Dr. Goodall follows her a little way as she watched Wounda munch on the fresh green grass.
The delight on her face is clear to see.
Then, without so much of a look back, Wounda heads off into her new life on Tchindzoulou Island.
Read more:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2557961/Thanks-The-touching-moment-chimp-nursed-health-hugs-carer.html#ixzz2tBoSHTDy
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Dr Jane Goodall is a legendary figure in the rescue and rehabilitation of primates. She has helped so many.
But even if we cannot do a fraction of what she has done, for every animal whom we help, it has made a world of difference to that one animal.
Just like it has to Wounda!
Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2014/02/13/dr-jane-goodall-and-wound..
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