
Found In Kota Samarahan, Sarawak Is This Your Dog? (Siti Azura Juihs)


Please help forward this to friends in Kota Samarahan. If you have any information about the identity of this dog, please contact Siti Azura as soon as possible. Thank you.

We will subsidise the medical treatment for this dog.

From:CT Azura<azures75@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 1:00 PM
Subject: Application of medical subsidy for Injured dog.
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Dear Dr Chan,

The purpose of writing this email is to apply medical subsidy for this injured male dog.
My sister and I have just rescued one injured dog (He has always been seen walking and roaming near the road) at the roadside near my housing area. We believe that he was hit early in the morning as we were off to one destination. once we were back, he was still lying there helplessly. Seemingly, no one cares about him because it is a dog. I couldn’t let him lying there alone just wait for his fate to come. We returned to where he was lying and rescued him. Unfortunately, one rescuer (good samaritan who saw us rescuing) and my brother were accidentally bitten but not deep by this injured dog (They went to the clinic immediately). After that, there was one motorcyclist stopped and advised us to wrap his head with towel (as u can see in the pic). With some help of good people, we managed to carry him back to my house.
Actually I went to the clinic nearby, but it was closed. So at the moment, we are waiting for a mobile vet to come and examine him first. Based on his condition, I believe that his leg was broken 9can’t walk) and perhaps there is internal bleeding ( blood stain and some blood came out of his anus). Before I leave to work, he drank a lot of water and and sat for a while.
Dr Chan, your kind consideration for his medical subsidy application is highly appreciated.
To those people nearby (Taman Riveria, Kota Samarahan, sarawak) who know this dog and his master, please inform his owner to take him home. This dog has green collar. It is possible that this dog has been abandoned or lost because he is always seen near the main road. At the moment, we are trying to do our best to assist him. Text or call my sister (zurina) at 0165767877. We never want to surrender him to animal shelter because we are afraid that he may just be put down and it is unfair to him.
Thank you Dr Chan.


Azura, Kota Samarahan.






Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/12/11/found-in-kota-samarahan-sarawak-is-this-your-dog-siti-azura-juihs/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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