Updates On 3rd Dec 2013
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Yo, stop treating me like a senior citizen! I’m only sligggghtly seasoned! I’ve tasted more salt than you eating rice in your whole life, as the Chinese saying goes.
I’m in many ways smarter than the young and naive puppies who do your Sit-Treat Tricks (try saying that rapidly 5 times in a row). See? You just did what I asked you to do.
Can you lick your elbow with your tongue? Try it… Neither can I. You did it again, you silly hooman. Now, some respect puhleez.
Mocha the seasoned elbow-licker @ Ampang:
Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=638564829522477&set=a.284953574883606.68330.284850241560606&type=1&relevant_count=1
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