Old Mr Lim And His 22 Cats
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How does one label someone with many animals as being a hoarder? This is argumentative but simply put, we feel that the hoarder term comes about when the caregiver is unable to appropriately care for the animals under his charge. Do you remember the Ng Brothers case (http://noahsarkcares.blogspot.sg/2011/10/ng-brothers-and-their-cats-new.html) that we very fortunately managed to get the media’s help with renovating of their flat while we tended to their cats? We were thankful for all the help rendered, eventually allowing the Ng Brothers a comfortable living space as well as a better environment for the cats.
Unfortunately, such cases are still occurring. When what started out as kindness and compassion results in an inability to cope with daily living, and this does not only happen with elderly folks though most of the cases we see of now are. We were alerted to Mr Lim, an elderly 78 year old man living in a two-room rental flat. Lotus Light Charity Society (http://www.lotuslight.org.sg/) approached us and we made a home visit to find out more about the circumstances surrounding this case.
Mr Lim greeted us at his door that evening. He looked like he was only in his fifties, a neatly dressed small built uncle who speaks English as well. Despite his age, he is mobile and still an active volunteer with Lotus Light in distributing food rations to other elderly. As we had honestly prepared ourselves to see the worst, Mr Lims flat was still considered to be in acceptable condition other than the ammonia stench. Mr Lim mentioned he cleans the flat whenever he can twice or thrice daily but as he is not able to afford cat litter, the cats pee into basins around the flat and he will wipe or wash up thereafter.
We asked him about the origin of the cats and he told us he started out a decade ago with taking over ten plus cats from an old lady who passed on. The rest are subsequently rescued from the streets. To be honest, Mr Lims cats are surprisingly well fed. He does takes good care of the cats and we will say slightly more than half are affectionate and are used to human touch. Some of them will also come up to you and seek affection even from strangers. Also, the cats at his place did not reproduce at all and he even spayed the cats in his neighbourhood.

We hope to be able to find adopters at least for some of Mr Lims cats and will like to ask if any of you can kindly take in one (more) cat in your household. We are also working with the vet to slowly treat his cats and will deeply appreciate if we can get your kind help in supporting our cause. We are aware that eventually, if the cats do not get adopted after some time, we will be looking at sending the cats up to our sanctuary NANAS in Malaysia which we will have to raise funds to send them across the border too. Within our own constraints and capacity, once we decided to take up a case, we will see to it that the animals have a place to live in for the rest of their lives, safely and with dignity. Please email noahsarkcares@gmail.comif you can help in any way, thank you!
**Photos of some of Mr Lim’s cats can be viewed at our Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.656740587724441.1073741873.417707781627724&type=1¬if_t=like
Source: http://noahsarkcares.blogspot.com/2013/11/old-mr-lim-and-his-22-cats.html
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