This latest update below is really sad. But we hope the surgery will go well and Kung Lung will recover real soon. Kung Lung’s bill has escalated to thousands of RM and we have maxed out on our RM500 subsidy even with the first claim.
One of our readers have offered to help Kung Lung’s caregivers with tips on wound care and she is in contact with Norvem, Mdm Foong and friends. If you are interested in helping Kung Lung in any way, please contact Norvem directly. Her email address is below.
For past blogposts on Kung Lung, please wordsearch the following: Kung Lung, Kung Loong, Gung Lung, Norvem Chan, Foong Wai Ling. Our apologies for the confusion as Norvem uses many different spellings for the dog (Gung Lung, Kung Lung and Kung Loong – they are all the same dog). Best to just type “Norvem Chan” as she does all the emailing on behalf of Mdm Foong.
Our first post about Kung Lung:
From:Norvem Chan<>
Date: Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 11:11 AM
Subject: Update of Kung Loong
To: Chan Kah Yein <>
Good Morning Dr. Chan,
I would like to update you on Kung Loong’s situation. A couple of weeks ago, the vet use maggot to help clean up the pus that refused to dry up.
After a successful procedure, they scan her and found a very deep opening and did a major surgery on 22 Oct to further clean and close up the wound. The wound is healing well now.
However, during the surgery, they found her vagina to be very hard. Further probe found an approximately 6 inch stick shoved deep into her vagina.
To-date, there are still a lot of blood & pus oozing from her vagina even with daily cleaning. Should she will have to undergo another surgery (6th or 7th since she’s been in the hospital ie. July 2013) to cut open her vagina and do a massive cleaning.
The stick found in her vagina.
The background of Kung Lung’s story:
Norvem Chan<>
Date: Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: Update of Kung Loong
To: Chan Kah Yein <>
Dear Dr Chan,
We think Kung Loong was abandoned due to her very docile nature. She came to our housing area and later gave birth to5 healthy pups which got stolen one after another. Residents fed the family daily but they lived just outside the enclosure in a makeshift dog house. Plans was underway to spay her and vaccinate the pups for adoption when time comes. Alasssss….fate had different plans for our Kung Loong.
If that was not bad enough,we suspect one of our neighbours called the authorities because the truck came specially to capture Kung Loong. She didnt even try to run coz everyone is a friend to her. A little too trusting our Kung Loong.
My neighbour went to bail her out the very next morning at the pound.
We bailed out 2 including Kung Loong. My neighbour then took both in to foster, 10 days later Kung Loong chewed up her side. Wesent her to the vet hospital at 4am and she has been there since.
I am beyond words. We really do not know WHO could do such a sadist thing to a sweet dog like Kung Loong.
Medical bill is escalating, above all we hope her suffering will end soon….she is such a good dog!
AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.
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