Spaying Sponsorship For 1 Female Dog, Angel (Carol Ng Siew Thengs)
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We have fully sponsored RM150 for the spaying fee of this dog. This sponsorship comes from the AnimalCare Donors (RM50) and Berjaya Cares (RM100).
Carol has not claimed for the vaccination and she covered the boarding herself.
From:Carol Ng
Date: Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 1:30 AM
Subject: Request for Subsidy for Dog Neutering
To: Chan Kah Yein <>
Dear Dr. Chan,
I wish to apply for subsidy for neutering of a white female dog (foster name: Angel)that was abandoned by her owner and picked up byme and my motherwhoare independent dog rescuers.The dog was boarded at at the clinic on 14 October and the procedure was only done several days later on the 17th of October due to the vet’s busy schedule. The dog was healthy before and after the procedure.
Amount paid as per bill:
1) Vaccination = RM30*
2) Neutering = RM150
3) Boarding for 5 days = RM75
*Receipt amount only includes neutering and boarding, i.e. RM225.
The dog is now up for adoption as posted here:
My details are as follows:
Name as per IC: Ng Siew Theng
I will send the bill and form directly to the address stated on the form as I live nearby. Thank you for your kind consideration.
After neutering – happy and healthy.
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