Next Country To Go Cruelty-Free: New Zealand?
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The European Union did it earlier:
Then India followed:
Will New Zealand be next?
Let’s cheer them on!
Ask New Zealand to Be Cruelty-Free!
Animal testing is the beauty industrys ugly secret, but Humane Society International is leading the largest-ever global campaign to end this shameful practice. Our Be Cruelty-Free campaign was instrumental in making Europe the worlds largest cruelty-free cosmetics zone, and in achieving an India-wide ban on animal testing for cosmetics. But were not stopping there.
Up next: New Zealand.With its animal welfare legislation currently under review, New Zealand is positioned to become the next country to ban cosmetics animal testing. But we need your helpfor the sake of the rabbits, guinea pigs and other gentle animals who could fall victim to this horrible cruelty.
And whether nations or countries do it or not, WE can make a difference by using daily household products that are cruelty-free!
We have soap and toothpaste (the most basic necessities for humans):
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