
The Sad Reality (a Sharing By Lester Hiew)


As you know, Lester Hiew and his mother, besides feeding the various colonies of dogs in several housing estates every midnight, also drive to three industrial sites once a week to feed many abandoned dogs there.

We have been providing them with dogfood under our Food Fund for the many dogs whom they feed. Now that our Food Fund is closing by this year end, we are pleased to share that one of our readers will be helping Lester with food subsidies next year.

Here is a sharing by Lester on their trip yesterday:

From:Lester Hiew
Date: Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 8:06 PM
Subject: Klang Industrial Site Dogs
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Good evening miss,

Today is really one of the worst trips. It was a rainy day but we just went ahead to feed the dogs.
Today we saw a carcass of a starved-to-death dog.
Today we saw 2 dogs being tied up. 1 of them is a Rottweiler and according to the people there, he belongs to someone. He has a hole on his tail-butt area. We fed him.
Another 1 tied up is a stray with a big hole on his testicles. This is the second time someone tied a dog there with no food or water, rain or shine. We managed to let the first one go during our last trip because the first one was a puppy and he was friendly.We did not manage to let this dog go because he is aggressive but nonetheless we managed to feed him and give him water.
Today we saw a female dog with a serious TVT and we reckon that her days are almost up already but nonetheless we managed to feed her too.
Today we saw 2 goats fought for food with dogs for dog biscuits because they were too hungry.
We plan to contact the necessary authorities even if this means putting these dogs down as they are suffering more than ever now.
Trips like these scar us and make us reluctant to go on because we are really, really sad.

Sometimes there is just so much we can do and at times like these, we have to take comfort in knowing we have done our best, that these poor dogs have been given, perhaps, their last meal.

Neuter, neuter, neuter, please.

In our conversations with experienced animal caregivers, shelters and even the local council, we are told that the biggest culprits who contribute to the stray problem are pet owners who do not get their animals neutered and allow them to breed (then throw out the offsprings). Next comes caregivers who look after the animals but do not get them neutered when they are able to befriend and catch the animals. If this is due to ignorance, then education is very much needed.

When a dog is allowed to give birth to a litter of 12 puppies, a cat to a litter of 5 kittens, what are the chances that they can be successfully rehomed? A dog can give birth twice a year, a cat up to four times a year; both species do not menopause.

Isn’t neutering a better option?

Our Medical Fund is on hand to provide the subsidies, folks.

Please apply if you need the financial assistance: www.myanimalcare.org/subsidy/.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/09/09/the-sad-reality-a-sharing-by-lester-hiew/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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