
Medical Subsidy For Kung Lung, Rescued Mother-Dog (Foong Wai Lings)


We called and spoke with Mdm Foong today to ask about Kung Lung. The person who has been communicating with us via email is Norvem Chan Sek Choo, who, together with Mdm Foong and neighbours, do their part to help the community dogs. Mdm Foong does not use email.

The bill submitted to us is RM3000, inclusive of 44 days’ boarding (43 days was hospitalisation where specialised wound cleaning was required). Details of the bill and the vet’s report are published below.

We have subsidised our maximum of RM500 for this case. This subsidy comes from all donors through our Medical Fund (RM200) and Berjaya Cares (RM300).

Kung Lung has not recovered yet, according to Mdm Foong. Further investigation may be required to pinpoint the problem in the wound.

We hope Kung Lung recovers soon.

From:Norvem Chan
Date: Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 12:15 PM
Subject: Sponsorship for Strays Medical Treatment
To: chankahyein@gmail.com

Dear Dr Chan,

We are a small group of neighbours in our housing community that have been feeding strays.

Lately, a young mother gave birth to 5 pups however soon the puppies disappeared one by one and a couple of weeks ago the mother dog was reported to DBKL by some unkind neighbour and was caught along with another mommy dog’s pup, before we could sent both mommies for spaying.

My neighbour (housewife, Foong Wai Ling) went to DBKL and bailed out these 2 dogs. So, we have 4 to keep safe. ie. 2 mommies, and 2 pups.

Last week, one of the mommies that was caught by DBKL turn out had been bitten while in their custody, but the wound was not appearent until we found her chewing a chunk off her flesh. Gung Lung is now being treated at at the clinic.

Good news is we have managed to get one of the pup adopted – Guinness. We also printed leaflet to be distributed but it is not easy getting them adopted on our own.

All these while, we have been using our own finances to rescue, spay, vaccinate and rehome on our own. But it is getting tougher and tougher with the economic situation and our own financial status. I wish to ask if your organization could help us.

Please let us know if you could help us financially and also advise on how the best way to improve in helping strays.

Thank you,

Chan on behalf of my rescuers here

norvem poster

We offered our neutering and medical subsidy for Norvem and her team’s rescues.

From:Norvem Chan
Date: Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: Sponsorship for Strays Medical Treatment
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Hi Dr Chan,

Thank you for your prompt reply. So, in our situation whereby a few housewives and individual share in the care of the strays in our vicinity can qualify for this subsidy?

We understand you cannot help foster or rehome. Reason we need to rehome as many as possible after spaying is because there unscroupulous neighbours who would not hesitate to poison or call DBKL.

But as least have them de-sex would mean less unwanted birth!

Ok, shall discuss with my neighbour about getting you the necessary photos before submitting the application.

Thank you GOD for compassionate people like you Dr. Chan.


Chan (Ms)

From:Norvem Chan
Date: Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: Sponsorship for Strays Medical Treatment
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Dear Dr Chan,

We have received the 1st bill. Is this bill sufficient as the itemised is being handwritten paper. Total was discounted by vet.

If you need more proper invoice, I will go back and get a new one.



Since the bill was RM3000, we advised Norvem to also apply to PetFinder.my as our maximum subsidy is only RM500. We have liaised with PetFinder.my on this.

From:Norvem Chan
Date: Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: Sponsorship for Strays Medical Treatment
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Dear Dr Chan

Good Morning.

Kung Loong had to undergo 4th surgery last week, we pray that the wound would heal this time otherwise it will be a 5th

The Vet have sorted out all the bills for us until 23 Aug.

Attached, please find the bills requested and photos. If all is fine, then I will arrange to post to you the originals.

Thank you,


From:Norvem Chan<norvemcsc@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 9:52 AM
Subject: Re: Sponsorship for Strays Medical Treatment
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Dr Chan,

FYI, I also posted Kung Loong aka Gung Long on petfinder.my after we rescued her from DBKLhttp://www.petfinder.my/pets/45816/

Sad story with this gentle mom…. all 5 pups stolen, one after another….and now, sheis being hospitalize foralmost 2 months….undergone 4 surgery and painfulcleaning procedure everyday:(






Below are the vet’s reports and itemised bill all of which bears the vet’s signature, clinic name and clinic stamp. We do not publish the names of clinics because we have to respect vet-client confidentiality.

KL 1

KL 2



Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/08/30/medical-subsidy-for-kung-lung-rescued-mother-dog-foong-wai-lings/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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