
A Message From Imms Shelter


We are grateful to Judy Chua for having kept us in the loop with news from Imm’s Shelter and we are happy that they are doing well and sustaining the shelter with donations from friends and well-wishers.

We empathise with all shelters as there will always be endless requests from rescuers for shelters to take in their rescues. But as with all no-kill sanctuaries such as Imm’s, it comes a time when, as difficult as it is, the shelter has to close its doors so that it can continue taking care of its existing animals without sacrificing on the quality of care and time devoted to the animals. It is only fair that they do so as all organisations have limited resources, humanpower and funds. We just have to know when to say, “Sorry, we cannot help anymore. This is as much as we can do.”

Here’s a message from Imm’s Shelter:

From:judy chua
Date: Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 5:34 PM
Subject: Imm’s shelter – our commitment

Every now and again we receive enquiries or requests from rescuers of abandoned pups or kittens if Imm’s shelter can provide a home for their rescued animals. Our hearts dearly want to say “yes”. Regretfully we have to say we are unable to do so for pragmatic reasons.

As most or some of you may know, the life span of our furry friends can easily be 15 years or more. Twinkle, my dog adopted from ISPCA, was sixteen when she passed away last year. Honeybun, my 1st recued kitten, who also passed away last year was 15. Pups and kittens hence may require 15 to 16 years of commited care. Imm and I are now in our mid-60s. Realistically, there’s no way (save for a miracle) that Imm and I can care for the same number of our furry friends in our 80s!.

Of the present number of our furry friends, the majority will most likely enjoy another decade of love and care. There may still be a dozen or more of or furry friends when we are in our 80′s. We would like to be able to manage the reduced numbers with the same commitment and care.Even though we know for a fact that our energy levels are declining with each passing year, our aspiration is to outlive and be physically able to care for all of our furry friends till the end of their natural lives.That is our commitment.

From the simple sums above, Imm and I hope that donors and rescuers can better understand our difficult position.

We know too that our commitment to care for all furry friends (within and outside the shelter) has been made possible by your strong support. Thank you all so much!

With deep appreciation

Our furry friends within the shelter …


Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/08/27/a-message-from-imms-shelter/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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