Updates On 3rd Aug 2013
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Chad Ebert, the latest participant in our planet-wide rescue tournament, reveals the following incredible story!
“It was a typical mid summer evening, nothing out of the ordinary. I was in North Orange County, CA getting in my car to head home. I heard a meow out from under a delapitated van. I kinda ignored it, figured it was a neighborhood cat. Then it meowed with some authority, as to say “help me”. I got down on me knees and looked under the van and saw a beautiful but filthy cat, you could tell by looking at his face he was terrified. I let him smell my hand so he was somewhat familiar with me, then decided to get under the van and see if I was able to coax him out. I figured he was an indoor cat who had just gotten outside and I’d ask the neighbors if anyone recognized him. As I put my had around his midsection, I felt something odd. I looked at my hand and it was covered in blood. I very quietly freaked out, I didn’t want him to sense my fear and run away. I took him by the scruff and we both crawled out from under the van. I looked at his side and he had a hole about the size of a silver dollar that you could see right thru.
I wrapped him in a towel that I had in my trunk and started driving. I didn’t know where to, I just started driving and making phone calls. I called my normal vet, they were closed. I called another vet I know and they said “come in now”.
Long story short, “Noah” had been repeatedly shot with a pellet gun. He immediately went into surgery before the lead pellets could kill him.
My dear friend Chris stepped up to the plate and he’s now Noah’s daddy. I didn’t think it was possible for a cat to be THIS spoiled, but he is. I don’t think there’s a toy that PetsMart stocks that Noah doesn’t have.
SEE PHOTO OF NOAH WITH HIS NEW DAD http://animalrescuechase.com/rescue_showcase/story.php?id=1154
Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=603069299716386&set=a.135131043176883.16781.109342202422434&type=1&relevant_count=1
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