We Have Toothpaste Stock Again!!
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After almost 2 months of having no toothpaste stock (lab check was being done), we have stock again now! So for those of you who are waiting for the toothpaste, do write in if you wish to purchase.
The Toothpaste Story
I took a walk to collect mail again today, not expecting the toothpaste consignment to have arrived. But it did, and again, I had no car…ha ha.
Never mind, I will carry the box back, I said.
Carry uphill for 800m?
My friend, Amy, offered to drop it off for me after work.
I lifted the box and it didn’t feel THAT heavy….so I insisted on carrying it back. I did a quick calculation too. 150g per tube. That’s 50 tubes, so that would be 7.5kg of toothpaste alone. Add the tubes, the 50 boxes plus the big box. That should come up to about 9kg?
9kg can’tbe THAT heavy, right? It is like carrying a 1 year old child, I guess?
I figured I will stop every 150m and rest my arms, then continue. Apparently, it is all in the mind – if you stop and put it down, it won’t “feel” so heavy.
So I began my trek up the hill with the 9kg box.
After my first stop, I realised there is a big difference between 6.8kg and 9kg…!!
Then, I pushed on for another 200m and by then, I was wishing like crazy my son would be back home and he would text to find out where I had gone and I would text back, “Please come fetch me, I’m at where-and-where.” He was already on his way home from work, after flying back from Melbourne.
But what do you know….(did the Universe hear me?)
Just when I wished for that, I suddenly heard a loud honk at the back which startled me.
A dark blue car drove up next to me.
It was my son!!
You tell me how that happened and why he happened to have taken this road today…I don’t know!
Never mind how the Universe works, just get in first (yes, before someone robs me of my whole box of toothpaste!). So I gratefully got in and my box of toothpaste sat at the back of the car and we drove home.
Anyone wants to buy toothpaste (by donation)?
If I might add, lovingly carried by yours truly up the hill (for only 350m…LOL!).
Only the toothpaste, not the strawberry cushions!
Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/07/30/we-have-toothpaste-stock-again/
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