Updates On 18th Jul 2013
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I have been sitting here for weeks now. Everyday I look out hoping someone will come take me home…But sadly, no one came so I continue to pray…and pray…and pray…to you every night before I sleep, hoping my prayers will soon be answered…
I heard the humans whisper among themselves the other day that someone is interested in me…My ears immediately perked up. Finally, I thought! I clean myself up, make myself pretty and waited eagerly for the “one” to show up.
30 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hours passed…and soon the sun starts to set but still no one turn up. With a heavy heart, I accepted the truth.
Silently, I said my prayers for the day…
Oh, Mighty God…Please give me a chance.
I am not greedy…I only need food, shelter and a lil’ TLC. In return, I can give back a lot more…fun…joy…happiness…loyalty.
Please let my wish come true soon…I promise to be a good girl, staying true and loyal to my new companion…
From a lil’pup who is still waiting anxiously for her 4eva home….????
Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151559263358581&set=a.196305593580.129798.194134813580&type=1&relevant_count=1
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