
Further Help For The Neutering Of The Lebuh Ampang Cats (a Request By Norely Abd Rahman)



Norely Abd Rahman responded to Marina Mustapha’s request for help.

From:norely abd
Date: Sun, Jun 23, 2013 at 1:45 PM
Subject: Saving The Ampang Cat Colony
To: “chankahyein@gmail.com” <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Dear Dr. Chan,
I have been following Marina’s story from your blog, however, I was out of the country to commit to anything. Now that I’m back (came back late Friday night), I have contacted Marina to help her rescue the colony for spaying and neutering. Marina has diligently been feeding them during weekdays and sometimes weekends as the shop that they have taken refuge to has closed down for almost 3 months. Our priority is to get the 2 pregnant mums a home for delivery first before moving on to the rest of the cats. One place I know has agreed to accept the mummies at RM100 per cat. I will be meeting the contact person tonight. I will be paying for this.
As for the rest of the colony, I have contacted Klinik Kembiri for an appointment next week Sunday (30th June). We will try to get as many as we can to spay and release them back to the colony. I do have a favor to ask you Dr. Chan regarding subsidy. As you know, Marina and I are using our own money and time to pay for all these activities. I don’t mind paying for their spaying/neutering at Klinik Kembiri. I plead that you would consider paying for the hospitalization of these strays after neutering as it is very inhumane to send them back to the streets right after the operation. I usually let them stay for 2 nights after it’s done. If there was only one or two, I would would bring them back home for recuperating but if there were many, I cannot do that. I have 10 at home and 2 more to join us for about a week or so before going to their new home.
Klinik Kembiri charge RM15 per cat per night. As I’m not sure how many we will be able to catch, I will not be able to tell you how much the amount will be. I will be able to get an official receipt for this for the purpose of claiming. Would you be able to consider this request? Marina and I would really appreciate any help you can give to help this colony, not to mention the four legged ones that desperately need our help. Many thanks for giving this case a serious thought.
Kind Regards,
From:norely abd
Date: Sun, Jun 23, 2013 at 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: Saving The Ampang Cat Colony
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Thanks for your quick reply. I think around 7-8 cats. Klinik Kembiri charges RM15 per night and I think 2 nights would be sufficient. So that would beRM30 per cat. Total RM30 x8 = RM240 approximately if there were really 8 cats.Marina went to feed them today and found out that one of the pregnant ones have given birth and the kittens are inside theshop. The shop is locked but cats can go in.Another calico preggie was not in the vicinity today. We are aiming to go there again tomorrow at around 5:30 when Marina is finished with work. We’ll see what we get.
According to Marina, one ginger cat needs some medical attention with his eye. He only has one eye. I think I will get him tomorrow and send him to the vet on Tuesday. I will send you the receipt for subsidy claim.
Thanks so much for your help. Will update you again when we go there tomorrow.
We have sourced a sponsor to pay for the 2 nights’ boarding at RM30 per cat for the Lebuh Ampang cats.
Some updates from Marina:

From:Marina M
Date: Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: Pictures of Whitey & Blacky
Here are pictures of Calico & Tuxedo this morning.You may hv to squint your eyes to see calico-to the left of tuxedo. The male is at the back but you will not able to see in the pictures…

I put food behind the zink roof top since it is going to rain.The zink was pulled slightly to the left by someone else. It was already being changed differently when I went to feed them.






Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/07/04/further-help-for-the-neutering-of-the-lebuh-ampang-cats-a-request-by-norely-abd-rahman/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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