
Updates From Imms Shelter, Ipoh


From:Judy Chua
Date: Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 3:53 PM
Subject: Imm’s shelter – Accounts & Update June 2013

Dear donors & supporters

Our furry friends are very blessed indeed. For the month of June, donations received again fully covered our expenses for the month. Our furry friends thank all our June donors - Bro Kiang & Sharon of IBDA , Jaclyn Teoh, Yvonne & Conrad, Khee Wee Kok , Kheong and my friend who wish to remain anonymous for their cash donations. Our doggies also thank KC Chew for again donating 6 10kg bags of rice. As such, Imm didn’t have to buy any rice in June. Jazz also convey her appreciation to Sau Yee for another bottle of T-Factor capsules to help build her immunity to heal her fungal skin infection.Commencing with the June 2013 accounts reporting, I will no longer disclose the amount of donations received each month nor the remaining balance of donations held. This is forsecurityreasons. Imm and I fear that if the accounts update is re-circulated or hacked, we could be stopped one day by unsavoury characters to hand over the remaining balance of donations. Donors, however, are still very welcomed to check our records of all monies received and spent.Details of operating expenses for June 2013 are listed below. There were no vet charges in June, hence expenses were well below RM3k this month. The water bill only came to RM29 probably due to a mal-funtion in the water meter. We should know when we get the next billing in a couple of months time.

(We are not publishing for security reasons, as stated by Judy above.)
I had a good 3 week break. During my absence, Imm continued to visit the shelter and to give treats to the dogs and cats. Our young volunteers (including new ones) also went in on Sundays to help bathe the dogs, clean the cats tubs etc and spend time with our furry friends. No pix of the volunteers in this update as I was away. I did take a snap of Hui Mun and her cousin, Siew Tty when they were at the shelter last Sunday….pix below. My 6th Form classmate, LC, from ACS also visited the shelter. LC and I had not met since we left school in 1968, well over 40 years ago. We had only met up recently this year. He expressed an interest in adopting a dog when I told him of my involvement at Imm’s shelter. LC already has a pug. Whist we were in the cattery, Snowy tool the opportunity to get some TLC from LC … pix below.
Siew Tty and Hui Mun relining the cats tubs with newspp.
My classmate, LC, giving Snowy. lots of TLC.

My last visit in June at the shelter was on Sat 8 June before I left for my 2 week retreat the next day. When Imm went in on Wed 5 June, she was told by the worker that Wendy had given birth to 6 pups. Five survived, one died. Neither of us had suspected that Wendy was pregnent. As most of you may be aware, allmaledogs & cats at Imm’s shelter are neutered. Imm made this decision years ago to save costs, also because the surgery is less invasive for male dogs and cats than their female counterparts.

A few of the dogs do try and slip out of the shelter for a run outside. Before we had the worker, Imm would always make sure the dogs return to the shelter. With a worker on board since April last year, its hard to ensure that the worker gets the dogs back to the shelter when they slip out. Outside of the shelter are many stray dogs from neighbouring orchards. One of those strays would have fathered Wendy’s pups.

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Wendy’s pups keeping each other warm and snug.

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<<< Wendy, first tiime mom.

Wendy’s a first time mom. She’s a good mom. When I was there on Sunday, she was meticulously licking her pups clean. She’s lost a bit of weight having to breast feed 5 pups. Imm and I are bringing special food for her when we’re there. I have also bought can food for the worker to mix with kibbles to give specially to Wendy.

The pups are growing quickly. Since the pix above, they are now more adventurous, exploring beyond their comfort zone. LC saw the pups on Sunday and kindly offered to adopt a male pup when its been weaned. The remaining pups, 1 male and 3 female, will hopefully be adopted by kind families when they are weaned.

Ah Mei, the laksa lady, now comes in once a month, to help bathe Baby, whom she rescued year ago, and also a few other dogs. Baby would only allow Ah Mei to handle hime. Even though Ah Mei has been bitten by Baby a couple of times, Ah Mei still loves him to bits.

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<<< Ah Mei giving Baby his monthly bath..

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Above pix of Spot (my name for her), a pup from Ipoh Animal Welfare Society ( the shelter next door) who sneaks in to Imm’s shelter to help herself to kibbles from Lek-lek and Sonny’s bowls and also to have a rest and snooze in a cool spot. Bella, the cat, checking out Spot, the fearless & cheeky intruder.

As always, our furry friends thank you all for their well being, and wish that your life too will be filled with special blessings.

Kind regards

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/07/03/updates-from-imms-shelter-ipoh/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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