
Medical Sponsorship For Kelly Tan Juat Jongs Shelter Dogs


Our friend from Ipoh, Ms Lee, informed us sometime last week that Kelly Tan who runs the Tanjong Rambutan shelter with Jacinta Emmanuel, has a backlog of many unpaid vet bills for her shelter dogs.

At the same time, Kelly is also feeding a few colonies of dogs at various places along the way from Ipoh to Tanjong Rambutan and this takes a toll on her dogfood supply and her finances.

With the help of our donors, we agreed to help Kelly Tan settle all the vet bills but we also hope that Kelly will do her best to get as many dogs (at those various colonies) neutered in order to stop the breeding.

Currently, a particular family near their shelter is keeping many dogs but has refused to get the dogs neutered. We have sent Jacinta the declaration from Jakim which says that it is proper to get street animals neutered and we hope the family will agree to let Kelly & Jacinta take the dogs for neutering. We will raise funds to sponsor in full.

We also learnt that due to a lack of funds, Kelly and Jacinta have only spayed the female dogs at their shelter but they have not neutered the males. We have advised them to get the males neutered as well and will source for sponsors to top up the balance of the bill (from our RM100 subsidy).

We thank our friend, Ms Lee, for helping Kelly settle all the bills first, getting the receipts, doing all the paper work, posting the receipts and forms and emailing all the photographs.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/03/12/medical-sponsorship-for-kelly-tan-juat-jongs-shelter-dogs/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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