How About A Veggie Lunch Today?
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A message from PETA and a gentle reminder to all of us of the very harsh and horrendous cruelty that goes on in factory farms:
They are born on concrete without a scrap of bedding. Their “home” is an intensive-confinement facility, a crowded, reeking factory farm filled with misery—no sunlight, no space, and no comfort at all. When their flesh is “ready” for the table, they are prodded and pushed onto a truck, something they’ve never seen before, and terrified, they are transported to the slaughterhouse. It is a wretched excuse for a life, and death will not be easy. That’s what’s on offer for the animals used and abused in the meat, dairy, and egg industries. Their only hope is kind people like you!
PETA is committed to relieving these animals’ suffering, sparing them trauma, and getting people to stop eating animals altogether. With your generous support right now, we can do more to help all animals who are abused in so many ways that it’s impossible to count them all.
The animal-derived products found on grocery shelves and in the freezer cases—sometimes even falsely labeled “humane”—are perhaps the greatest source of animal suffering on the planet. Pigs in today’s intensive-confinement factories have their tails and teeth cut off, their testicles yanked out, and their ears painfully notched without being given any painkillers. Chickens have their beaks cut off with a hot blade and are kept in horribly crowded conditions without sunlight, unable to stretch even one wing. Cows—even on so-called “humane farms”—have their horns removed with searing-hot irons, caustic chemicals, and even hand saws—often without being given any pain relief whatsoever.
Helping animals who are—at this very moment—enduring life in hell takes far more than simply choosing “less cruel” products so that some animals may suffer a smidgeon less than others, for a smidgeon isn’t enough when you see what they go through.
For more than three decades, PETA has achieved many groundbreaking firsts that have helped stop some of the enormous suffering of animals used for meat and other products. Among other victories, our undercover investigations resulted in first-ever convictions of factory-farm employees for abusing pigs and the first-ever felony cruelty-to-animals charges for abusing birds. We have rescued calves, pigs, and turkeys from certain death and placed them in sanctuaries. PETA is behind some of the most important victories ever won for animals on factory farms, and financial support from kind people like you is what fuels our vital animal protection work.
But despite our great progress, it will still be a long time until no more sensitive animals suffer at the hands of the meat, dairy, and egg industries, and that’s why they need us to do more right now. Will you please make a gift to PETA today to strengthen our vital work for these and all animals?
Through stunning undercover investigations, landmark prosecutions, eye-catching campaigns and demonstrations, and widely distributed resources such as our vegetarian/vegan starter kit, PETA has educated and inspired millions of people to take action for farmed animals. With your help today, we can do even more to save animals from wanton abuse, mistreatment, and neglect. Thank you for helping us reach them!
Very truly yours,
Ingrid E. Newkirk
We can all do our share by eating less meat.
Think of the small sacrifice made by our taste buds VS the horrendous suffering that these poor animals have to go through.
How about a veggie lunch today?
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