Looks Like Daffodil Is Highly sought-After
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As far as Mukda could remember, when she first moved into this area, which was 10 years ago, Daffodil was already living here as a kitten.
It’s been 10 years and Mukda has seen her with many, many litters of kittens.
We just got Daffodil spayed a few weeks ago and her “confinement” was done at my house. Since then, her children, Ginger and Rosie have been bringing her (Daffodil) back for breakfast and dinner every day.
When Daffodil was confined for 3 days, on the very first day, Mr Quack emerged. That’s where he earned his name as he was quacking in front of my gate. I assume he was looking for Daffodil and thought he was harmless.
A quick check with Francis and Mukda revealed that Mr Quack had just joined the community a few weeks back but he was causing some disharmony at the pavilion already by terrorising the other cats and urinating on their kibbles.
Right after that, Mr Quack started targeting Ginger and that’s when Ginger got injured in a terrible fight (“terrible” from the sounds of it, and there was also a terribly deep bite wound on Ginger’s paw). Then, he started terrorising Rosie and Mr G as well. But through it all, Mr Quack did not terrorise Daffodil. In fact, he seemed to be following Daffodil all the time.
Now that Mr Quack is relocated (to one of our reader’s house, after being neutered), peace has returned to the community.
Then, I looked for little Timmy, who had earlier come across as a very timid cat who, coincidentally, arrived about the same time as Mr Quack. But since Mr Quack got the limelight and Timmy was hiding in his blue dustbins, Timmy was seldom seen.
But with Mr Quack gone, Timmy seems to be fast gaining a reputation for himself….as “the noise maker” and also quite an eligible bachelor, as we shall see today…
Today, I saw him following Daffodil.
Looks like our madame may be 10 years old (which is about 56 years in our human years), but she is still highly sought after by the feline gentlemen. I remember reading somewhere that a woman is not a woman until she hits 40, so, I guess that applies to female cats as well?
I had bought some Yakult for Ginger to replenish the healthy flora in his gut after the 14 days of antibiotics.
But looks like Rosie loved it more!
I drank some too…
But yes, Rosie loves it more.
I thought I had lost Daffodil’s trust yesterday when I tried (and failed) to catch her to nurse her wound, but she came back shortly after that.
The siblings have made my house their home, which is a good thing. I hope this will keep them from roaming or worse, from entering the houses of neighbours who do not like cats.
And Ginger longs to join the brood (I’ll bet it’s just out of curiosity), but Cow gets very incensed and breaks out in heavy panting while Ginger is absolutely unaffected.
We must get a bigger mat for them.
This evening, Timmy the Romeo dropped in…
(Looks like naming him after the suave and debonair Agent 007 was not far off the mark after all!)
Timmy at your service….
….Madame Daffodil.
She’s not interested in me?
Daffodil’s already spayed, Timmy, but I guess you don’t know that?
A few minutes later, I heard the sound of cats running.
Oh, I see why…Mr G is here!
But I have a feeling the suave and debonair one isn’t about to give up….
Unless I get him neutered soon!
Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/12/24/looks-like-daffodil-is-highly-sought-after/
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