
Dealing With Fraudulent Cases, Etc.


It’s not pleasant to write these posts, but some things have to be written and our donors need to be informed.

As a charity that receives donations entrusted by the public, it is our duty to ensure that whatever monies we pay out are given to genuine cases which comply with our policies and requirements.

Our policies:http://myanimalcare.org/subsidy/

Recently, we had the following:

1. A case where receipts were forged and photographs were doctored. We verified the case with the clinic and found out that no such case had been presented at the said clinic. Hence, we did not subsidise the case at all.

2. A case where certain claims which we do not subsidise (euthanasia, abortion, etc.) were not revealed and a “general” receipt was submitted. We did not subsidise as we require an itemised receipt and we also verified the case with the clinic on what procedures were done.

3. Other fraudulent cases which we did not subsidise after verification with the vet and the clinic concerned.

In view of the above cases, we are doing our best to avert such fraud.

Here are some gentle reminders to all applicants:

Please read our policies in the link that we send to you each time you make an application. The following are stated clearly in the link:

a. The receipt and bank account number has to be in the name of the applicant (same name). Please ensure that your vet gives you a receipt IN YOUR NAME and the receipt has to be itemised (procedures done are stated specifically with charges incurred).

b. Please also note that we are only making payouts through three major banks, ie. MBB, CIMB and PBB only. Previously, we allowed some applicants to put their spouse’ bank account no with a verification email from their spouse since they do not have a bank account in the three named banks, but I’m afraid we cannot allow this anymore now (sorry for this). If the applicant does not have an account in any of the three banks, please name your bank and we would have to deduct RM2 (from your claim) for the interbank transaction.

Also, in your communication with us, we will ask for the contact number of the vet and the clinic and we will verify your case with the vet before making any payment. We will not subsidise cases where the vet’s contact details are not given.

If your receipt is not in your name or your receipt is not itemised, we will ask you to resubmit your application, but please do so before the deadline. Better still, please read our policies which are sent to you when we communicate so that you submit everything as per required. This saves time, postage money and energy.

Please also be reminded that we need before-and-after treatment photographs of the animal. If you plan to release the animal after neutering/treatment, please take a photo before doing so. You may wish to take the “after” photo at the clinic itself.

As always, please ensure that your form is duly completed before you post it to us. We just received a form without the bank account number recently and we had to text the applicant as she did not respond to our email. We will not be calling you as phonecalls are very intrusive.

And surprisingly, we have had NO PROBLEMS with applicants who are not English-educated. Their forms are perfectly filled and always on time!

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/12/13/dealing-with-fraudulent-cases-etc/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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