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The story of Pumpkin & June…
Please consider joining Shiver’s Club today so that more puppies like Pumpkin & June can be saved: http://www.soidog.org/en/puppy-care-club/
Both had been hit by cars & suffered broken legs. They are now being treated in our clinic & receiving the best possible care from Dr Su & her team. These puppies would not have a chance, if it weren’t for Shiver’s Puppy Care Program. Please consider joining today & give puppies like Pumpkin & June a second chance.
Soi Dog takes in puppies like Pumpkin & June every week, which is why Shiver’s Puppy Care Club was started to help with the intensive care often required with these poor puppies. Please consider joining Shiver’s Club today so that more puppies can be saved: http://www.soidog.org/en/puppy-care-club/
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.240353662673043.51496.108625789179165&type=1&l=1407349431 The story of Pumpkin & June…
Please consider joining Shiver’s Club today so that more puppies like Pumpkin & June can be saved: http://www.soidog.org/en/puppy-care-club/
Both had been hit by cars & suffered broken legs. They are now being treated in our clinic & receiving the best possible care from Dr Su & her team. These puppies would not have a chance, if it weren’t for Shiver’s Puppy Care Program. Please consider joining today & give puppies like Pumpkin & June a second chance.
Soi Dog takes in puppies like Pumpkin & June every week, which is why Shiver’s Puppy Care Club was started to help with the intensive care often required with these poor puppies. Please consider joining Shiver’s Club today so that more puppies can be saved: http://www.soidog.org/en/puppy-care-club/
Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=240353682673041&set=a.240353662673043.51496.108625789179165&type=1
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