E-Poll | Your Say | REACH
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Here is your opportunity to make a difference for animals in Singapore.
If you, like the SPCA, believe Singapore needs to strengthen legislation for animal welfare for our animals, we encourage you to give your views and opinions to the E-Consultation found in https://www.reach.gov.sg/YourSay/EPoll/tabid/104/Default.aspx?ssFormAction=[[ssEPoll]]&pid=[[30]]
Your input can shape improved legislation for better protection against animal abuse and neglect for our community animals and owned pets, to ensure pet shop retailers’ adherence to responsible and ethical selling of animals, and to remedy the plight of young animals in puppy farms and other breeding establishments. The consultation is open from 5 Sept – 5 Oct 2012.
You can have your say. Do it now!
*Last December, SPCA submitted it’s Proposal for Legislative Change to the Ministry of National Development.
To read the full proposal click here http://spca-org-sg.earth.secure-xp.net/PDF/LegislativeReformfinal.pdf E-Poll
Source: https://www.reach.gov.sg/YourSay/EPoll/tabid/104/Default.aspx?ssFormAction=%5B%5BssEPoll%5D%5D&pid=%5B%5B30%5D%5D
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