
Updates On 12th Sep 2012


Our Dear SPCA Supporters,

You’re invited to our ritzy ‘Roaring 1920s Dinner Dance’ with all proceeds benefitting the SPCA Singapore.

So get dolled up in your swanky 1920s attire, flappers and dashers dust off your dancing shoes, and join us for absolutely the most dastardly fun party of the year!

For all the exciting details, please visit http://www.spca.org.sg/ritzy.html

Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151039885978155&set=a.283797778154.142068.262947298154&type=1&relevant_count=1



SPCA Singapore

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA Singapore) is the first registered animal welfare organisation in Singapore. The two main objectives of SPCA Singapore are: to promote kindness to animals and birds, and to prevent cruelty to animals and birds.

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