
Spayed Strays Under MDDB's TNR Subsidization Program


It is only through spaying/neutering that we can humanely stop the population of strays. Please help us STOP the killing of innocent strays and support TNR. 1. We shall subsidize strictly only for stray animals.
2. We shall subsidize based on Government Vet’s Rates which is as follow:-
i) Male Dog – RM55.00
ii) Female Dog – RM110.00
iii) Male Cat – RM45.00
iv) Female Cat – RM80.00
3. We shall subsidize based on the availability of our funds.
4. We shall subsidize only upon agreement from the rescuer(s) that they will have no objection to do a “V” notch on the left ear of the strays.
5. All claims need to be submitted along with a photo of the stray indicating the “V” notch marking and the original copy of the receipt.
6. We do not sponsor funds for boarding and transportation.
7. We reserve the rights to reject any application(s) that violates the Terms & Conditions of this program.

If you have further questions or if you wish to contribute to our spaying funds, please drop us an email at mddb.mccp@gmail.com

Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=250425061663078&set=a.250424998329751.57611.199141126791472&type=1



SPCA Seberang Perai

The SPCA Seberang Perai is a society registered in September 2005. Our primary aim is to reduce the population of stray animals or possibly a zero stray population in a humane manner. With lesser strays or no strays at all, the loving value of animals will be greatly increased and you can be sure that humans will shower more love for their pets and be responsible pet owners. The problem should not only be shouldered by our Society as the public must also understand the urgent need to control the pet population and give their whole-hearted support to all our projects for the undertaking to be successful. Then we will achieve a clean and hygienic environment for the community. As a no killing organization, we are embarking on a two-prong approach towards the problem i.e public education and sterilization of the stray animals.

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