
WAGazine - The Gathering Of Mighty Warriors


The pen is mightier than the sword.
And here at WAGazine, we have gathered some of the sharpest and mightiest pens (actually, more like keyboards) in the realm of animal welfare to bring forth much sought-after improvements in education – the golden key to long-term well-being of animals.
WAGazine is a hybrid — an eco-friendly publication that exists only in the virtual world, supported by moving electrons. It reads like a magazine, feels like a blog, and updates like a news portal. The tone can be fun and comical at times drawing tears of laughter, or perhaps moments of heart-wrenching sadness from touching stories, while being matter-of-fact and no holds barred when delving into critical topics of welfare.
It is the culmination of PetFinder.my’s central news portal which brings you live updates from dozens of nationwide NGOs, our knowledge library comprising of educational articles, and interesting magazine and social elements that make learning and sharing a joy.
Instead of churning out dry, monotonous, dreaded textbook articles, we aim to provide readers with writings that are lively and exude a personal touch. Each of our passionate and energetic authors come from interesting animal welfare backgrounds, and will offer unique insights and knowledge that would open up new worlds and perspectives for the animal lovers. We want readers to develop a close bond with our authors, and to share the journey of improving animal welfare together.
August 1st 2012 marks the launch of our inaugural issue (if it can be called an issue), and we owe it to our core team of some 20 global animal welfare warriors for making this a reality, pooling their brains and knowledge together for the benefit of our community. This truly borderless educational effort spans countries such as United States, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia. Please click here to view the full list of our mighty warriors.
We would like to specially thank Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye for being extremely supportive of WAGazine, contributing a series of insightful animal welfare articles amidst his busy schedule. We are also very grateful to Dave Avran who volunteered as our Chief Editor, meticulously assisting with WAGazine’s planning and editorial work.
It is our greatest wish that the collection of words and thoughts here would make a difference – not just to the animals, but to us all as a whole — to better appreciate the world we are in, and the myriad wonderful animals that surround us, demanding so little yet unreservedly offering us all they have.
Enjoy your virtual stay here, and don’t forget to share this trove of knowledge with your friends!



Andy Koh

Founder of PetFinder.my. A left-brained wired dude by day, and a right-brained music producer by night. Strongly believes in leveraging technology to enhance the lives and welfare of animals. Loves animals more than humans. Most of his communications are between him, computers and furry creatures. And perhaps a few monosyllable caveman grunts with Homo sapiens.

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