
And There Is Also This Kind Of Fraud


This morning, a vet called me. Apparently, a Ms So-And-So had brought a cat to their clinic a few days ago for eye enucleation. Ms So-And-So also informed the clinic that she would be claiming a subsidy from us.

The vet called me to ask forMs So-And-So’s contact number because when they called the number given byMs So-And-So, it was someone else’s number. So, the clinic now has no way of contactingMs So-And-So and the cat is still at the clinic, with the procedure done but the bill unpaid.

On their clinic records,Ms So-And-So is an existing client, but the contact details lead to someone else who is totally oblivious to what is going on.

Unfortunately, I could provide any details aboutMs So-And-So because she had not written to us at all to ask for any subsidy. Her name is also unfamiliar to me. I did a check of the email addresses in my mailbox and no such person had ever communicated with me.

So, this looks like another kind of fraud.

All it takes is more and more “rescuers” to act with such dishonesty and irresponsibility and a time will come when animal rescue and animal charity will be frowned upon or blacklisted as cheating.

When that time comes, the animals will be the greatest losers.

In our own small way, doing away with panel vets was a blessing because now, no one can go to our (former panel) vets and say that I sent them there. We do not direct any rescuer to any vet anymore because we work on a subsidy policy where rescuers choose their own vets, settle the bill, and then claim a subsidy from us with the original receipt.

But this will still not prevent “rescuers” from going to any vet and giving a false identity and contact details, leaving the animal there and then, disappearing for good.

We know of those who would leave sick animals at the doorstep of a clinic and disappear. Now there are those who would take the sick animal to the clinic, give a false identity, leave the animal there and disappear.

What will be next?

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/07/07/and-there-is-also-this-kind-of-fraud/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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