
Bobby Starts Having Old-Age Seizures


On Friday morning, Bobby went into a seizure at 5.30am. It lasted quite long and he was salivating excessively. After the seizure, he was totally disoriented and kept turning around in circles for almost two hours. The only way to stop him was to corner him, put boxes around him, but still, he kept turning and could not stop. He even struggled when he was held down. He only settled down after 2 hours.

On Saturday morning, as I was about to handfeed him, he threw another seizure. This time it lasted much longer than the previous one. He salivated and even defecated. Total loss of control. In both seizures, he also urinated and totally wet himself.

I’ve asked and it’s due to some neurological problem which comes with old age. My childhood dog, Puffin, had it too and so did Mac. A friend who has dealt with many dogs said he has seen it many times in his dogs as they neared their end. There is absolutely nothing you can do about it except to watch it happen. Medication normally does not work, and while there may be recommended medication, it may cause other complications.

I felt very helpless when he threw the seizures as all I could do was to hold him down. He was struggling and salivating so badly. Even while lying down, he was turning around the floor. After he finally settled, the next problem was to dry him as his body was covered with saliva.

After the second seizure yesterday, he was disoriented again, but it did not last as long as the first day’s.

Luckily it stopped and he settled down soon as I had to go to the Pet World event.

Bobby didn’t eat yesterday until I came back after the event and managed to force-feed him small amounts at around midnight.

Totally disoriented after the first seizure.

He went into the flower beds, got stuck and kept struggling. It didn’t help that he is also blind and could not see where he was. Holding him down didn’t quite help as he kept wanting to walk.

Bunny helped to stop him from turning around in circles.

Bunny blocking Bobby by going in front of him. I placed storage boxes around him to corner him so that he wouldn’t walk around wildly and bump into the furniture.

Finally settling down.

He still ate after the first day.

This morning, I was worried he might throw another seizure, but all seems well until now. I managed to feed him some food this morning.

This photo was taken a few minutes ago.

He is a little disoriented.

But he has settled down to sleep now.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/06/17/bobby-starts-having-old-age-seizures/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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