
Well, Of Course We Have A Choice! (a Sharing From A Vegan)


Here’s a sharing from a lady by the name of Carole who happened to pick up one of my books, “Do We Have a Choice”:

Dear Kah Yein

I get a copy of your book from SS18 Medifoods organic shop at Subang Jaya.  I wish  to know how to donate towards printing more books for free distribution. I like the contents of your book.
I decided to be a vegan after readings enough books about the reality of food with relate to health 8 years ago.  It was not an easy decision to be vegan, yet it is not impossible.  I often asked how do I resist eating meat.  At my present condition, it is not a matter of resisting but a matter of choice.  I feel like I want to vomit if I was told I must eat meat. Now I just do not think about eating meat.  And I just could not be attracted to any food made from animal meats no matter what the taste may be.
After becoming vegan for a few years, things inside my body must have some fascinating transformation. Heavily seasoned food which I like in the past taste awful.  And plain simple foods cooked the natural way appeal to me.  Then I realised my saliva has become sweet so plain foods all taste good.  My body feels lighther.  I can run up and down the staircases like walking, no panting, no sweat.  I feel fantastic.  Waking up every morning is a joy.  In my old self, I ususally woke up to feel all sorts of pains and aches in my body.
When I am invited out for wedding feast, I usually eat my normal dinner at home before leaving the house.  At the wedding dinner, I just pick and eat vegetables.  Usually this is enough to be noticed and fellow diners will ask 1 or 2 questions about my eating habits and this is a great chance to share some facts.
From my experience, it is extremely easy to guide children about vegan eating. 2 years ago , my family was invited out to wedding dinner.  My son Jason was 10 years old and my daughter Jennifer was 8 years old.  My husband felt that my children should be exposed to wedding feasts.  Jason, Jennifer and myself had our dinner at home before attending the wedding feast. When shark fin soup  was served, my daughter said she still prefer the vegetable soups at home.  When roast piglet was served.  Both my kids refuse to taste the piglet. Their reason is it is so cruel to the piglet, it had no chance to grow up and already being killed for food.  My husband wised to introduce white prawns cooked in wine.  Jennifer refuse to touch any seafood.  Jason had a bite and said it tasted like earth. Even raised as vegan from young, they are robust in health and of tall slender builts.  Jennifer could not understand why her schoolmates who are bigger and taller than her pant when climbing the staircases and could not cope with the school bags. Jason reported that his body weight is heavier than his big size classmate.  I explain to him that when we eat animal products, calcium is depleted from the body and the bones are brittle, therefore weighs lighter comparatively.
Because I am promoting healthy eating and lifestyles, we do not visit fast food stores. Strictly no cold drinks and no air condition at home.  I have a very simple personal care regime.  Rock salt for washing hair.  Rock salt and green bean flour to replace soap for face and body.  Coconut oil for skin — face and body. Gingerly oil ( Indian sesame oil) for hair — small amount.  Due to vegan food and natural wholegrain diets, my skin and hair is very good. I mainly follow vegan macrobiotic diets comprises of brown rice, vegetable, seaweed and some wholemeal noodles.  I feel more energetic than 20 years ago. For me this vegan lifestyle is perfect and there is no looking back.  I am climbing 300-400 steps of staircases everyday.  Just to be to walk the staircases made me feel great !!!
 I would love to have a chance to read your first book.
Thank you for promoting no cruelty to animals.  We must join hands to change the world into a better place.
Best regards

Thank you very much, Carole, for sharing tips on your chosen lifestyle. I’m sure it would benefit many people who are perhaps on the fringe of taking that big step, to either eat less meat or to become a total vegetarian or even a vegan, for compassionate reasons.

We still have many bundles of “Do We Have a Choice” as we printed 10,000 copies in the first print (thanks to a friend from Singapore, TY Lee, whose passion is to promote compassionate eating), so there is no need to reprint this book yet. It would probably be a few years before we run out of this book. But we are in need of reprinting “See You on Rainbow Bridge” as many people are asking for this book and we have run out of it.

Carole has indicated she is only interested in sponsoring the reprint of this particular book as the message is very close to her heart. I have referred her to the publisher for this purpose as all my books are available for reprints as long as they are given out free.

One’s choice of food is always a very sensitive issue, so allow me first to clarify that AnimalCare’s stand is to encourage people to EAT LESS MEAT out of compassion for the factory-farmed animals. We are not even suggesting that meat-eating is wrong or cruel.

Our message is just this – let’s eat less meat to reduce the cruelty in the factory farms.

Go green for the animals!


Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/05/09/well-of-course-we-have-a-choice-a-sharing-from-a-vegan/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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