
Very Urgent: Injured Dog Needs Help


A lady by the name of Evelyn just called me. She said a dog had been knocked down by a car and is injured (could not move).

Evelyn carried the dog away from the road and later called me.

She asked what to do.

I said to bring the dog to the vet but she said the vets are closed (I’ve given her the contact details of the PJ vet with the emergency call-back service). She asked what else she could do. I said to give the dog some water to drink and food to eat. Water, at the very least. But she said the dog was “very far away” from her home.

Evelyn stays in Subang Jaya. The dog is now at a field in USJ1.

She wanted to surrender the dog to SPCA, but I told her the shelters do not take in injured animals, and even if they do, the animal is likely to be euthanised.

Another option would be to take the dog to the vet for treatment tomorrow, but the dog would not have any shelter tonight.

In any case, we will subsidise the treatment as per our policy.

She was worried that there would be no one to take care of the dog after treatment, or to make decisions for the dog.

I think this dog needs a rescuer. If you are a dog rescuer or belong to a rescue team and can help this dog, please call Evelyn on 012-2758910.

UPDATES at 8.21pm – I called Evelyn again and told her she could take the dog to the vet in PJ. Evelyn said she would call the vet to enquire about the charges and she would bring some food and water for the dog tonight. I’ve assured her that we will subsidse the treatment. I hope Evelyn brings the dog to the vet. She said there was something (looks like part of the bone) jutting out from the back, but there is no rupture. If you are able to help this dog, please call Evelyn directly.

UPDATES at 10.22pm – Rescuer Koo is on his way to help transport the dog to the PJ vet now. Evelyn has promised to take responsibility for the dog. I’ve called the clinic and we’re in luck, a vet is already there now, attending to another emergency case. We will subsidise the treatment. Evelyn told me she heard about Sunshine’s case from one of my public talks and hopes that this dog can recover too. I’ve explained that it all depends on the extent of the injury and the healing powers of the animal itself as each case is different. We hope for the best now. One step at a time.

We thank Koo very much for responding to our call to help Evelyn and the dog.

UPDATES at 10.52pm – Koo has got the dog now, and they are now on their way to the clinic.

UPDATES on 13th March, at 12.04am – The prognosis is grave. The dog’s spine is broken. However, the dog is estimated to be about 2 years old, so there is sometimes a chance of healing because of the benefit of youth. We can prepared to provide the non-mainstream medical treatment required (as we did for Sunshine), but we cannot provide a caregiver at this point in time. We will wait for Evelyn’s decision. If she is willing to learn to care for the dog, we’ll give her all the help we can.

UPDATES at 12.24am – Koo informed me that the dog has been boarded at the clinic. I will wait for Evelyn to contact us and we may be able to get a better idea of the dog’s condition. We’ll like to thank Koo again for all his help – catching and transporting the dog to the clinic and accompanying Evelyn during the consultation.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/04/12/very-urgent-injured-dog-left-by-roadside/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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