
Updates On The Super Family (Maslindas)


If you remember, Koo was looking for fosterers for a cat-family who were living on the five-foot way in Shah Alam. I enlisted Maslinda’s help and she agreed.

The family was then brought by Koo to the vet’s for a check-up and subsequently to Maslinda’s place. We have pledged to supply food and take care of the medical bills of this family (full sponsorship). Koo has also pledged that he would be more than willing to reimburse us for the expenses, get the kittens adopted and return Super to the colony (after being spayed).

I have suggested that we ask Maslinda if Super could stay on because after leaving a colony for 2 weeks, the chances are, that vacuum would have been filled and Super might not have a place anymore, and would have to fight for a place again. In a way, that wouldn’t be fair to her. Hopefully, Maslinda will agree to let Super stay on in her cat-friendly neighbourhood. We will supply food for Super and we have also pledged to help Maslinda with food for the many cats that she feeds and looks after.

I had the privilege of naming the family – Super (mom), Sunny (boy), Maxie and Jamie (both girls), in conjunction with our Sunsuper Dreams win, nominated by James and his friend, Maxx!

The Super family was doing well until lately when Sunny had an abscess. Maslinda brought Sunny to the vet’s for the abscess to be drained. The bill is RM74 and we will be sponsoring in full.

From Maslinda:

The photos show
60- removing the pus
61- the pus removed. lots of it
62- sunny wearing kimono
63- with super
noticed that there’s a lump on sunny left shoulder. it’s an abcess. sunny’s given local anaesthetic and the pus removed. it’s a lot. no appetite to eat cheese for few months (so been told). sent to vet for wound clean up for 2 days. prescribed with scourban and antibiotic cream.
sunny is now back to his normal active mode. he’s still tiny. the abcess might have been there for sometimes, and that might be a reason why he’s tiny. still having eye problem, but will lesser discharge
as for sunny’s bill,attached is the bill (RM74). for the wound cleanup visit, it’s only RM5/visit (no receipt, no need to reimburse).
super is having diarrhea from yesterday.currently on kaolin and i/d. will monitor her progress. i’m not letting her breastfeed the kittens for now

We have pledged to sponsor all of the medical needs of the Super family. Koo has insisted on reimbursing us, too

We hope Sunny and Super will get well soon.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/03/07/updates-on-the-super-family-maslindas/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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