Medical Subsidy For Rescued Cats Surgery (Nur Zulianas Shazyantys)
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We received this appeal this evening and have pledged to subsidise a maximum of 50% of the cost up to a maximum amount of RM500. I have also advised Nur Zulianas that she could apply to SCRATCH and and if two funds assist, she may be able to get a maximum of 60% subsidy (subject to a maximum of RM1000), jointly from two funds.
In accordance with our Multiple Fund Policy (
Below RM750 – one fund (max 50% or RM500, whichever lower)
From RM750 to RM1500 – two funds (max 60% or RM1000, whichever lower)
Above RM1500 – three funds (max 60% of RM1500, whichever lower)
The appeal fromNur Zulianas Shazyanty Bt Zulqurnain:
Nur Zulianas
Hai doctor..this morning i founded a cute orange white little cat with
baby blue collar at the side of road..i stopped there and i founded
this cat leg bleeding..then i rushed to the clinic and took the
x-ray..The result is so frustrated..which is his left leg his bone
totally crushed and his right leg from his calf to down…and the
resolution his right leg need to cement and left leg need to put
steel….total cost not included treatment and medicine is about
RM1300…now i hope, someone can donate for helping this little
cat….tq so much
Nur Zulianas Shazyanty Bt Zulqurnain
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