
After 16 Years.are You STILL A Fan Of Calvin & Hobbes?


Allow me this indulgence, my friends, on a Sunday morning.

I am a great fan of Calvin & Hobbes. I love Calvin, I love Susie and I love Hobbes!! The comic strip by Bill Watterson is so philosophical and full of truths, but told in a simple and humorous way. I love that style!

And, I have ALL the books, too. Some torn and tattered after years of reading!

Did you know Bill Watterson decided to hang up his paintbrushes and retire on 31st Dec 1995 and the last C&H comic strip was published?


We mourned the ending, but cheered on for all the wisdom and lessons the years of C&H comic strips have given us, immortalised for eternity in the books. It would become classics in its own time.

But hey, hey, hey, the beautiful thing about life is that it is uncertain and change is possible.

My daughter, Ming-Yi, just sent me this link:

Hold your breath, C&H fans….


ha ha! It’s called “Pants are overrated”, and it is a continuation of C&H. Calvin and Susie are married now and they have a daughter (named Bacon), as precocious and as smart as Calvin (AND Susie) and Hobbes is now teaching Bacon about life, just as he had taught and brought up Calvin. And Calvin and Susie are still as crazy as they used to be!

If you are as crazy about C&H as I am, I’m sure you’ll welcome PANTS ARE OVERRATED!!



HOWEVER, this new idea is NOT done by the original artist, Bill Watterson. It is the work of by a pair of brothers by the name of Tom and Dan Heyerman.

As a C&H fan, how do you view this “violation”?

Here’s a thought:http://www.npr.org/blogs/krulwich/2011/05/31/136817328/calvin-hobbes-and-comic-book-biology

For me, it was good as long as the initial excitement lasted. The Heyerman brothers say that’s all they will be writing and drawing. No more. It was just for a stint.

Honestly, I didn’t mind it at all. It was good for a Sunday morning cheer!

Something new, something fresh, a pleasant surprise, like a breath of fresh air and looking at green grass!

Have a good Sunday then.

MORE (!!) from Ming-Yi, again, it’s got the same, classic C&H wisdom!






Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/02/05/after-16-years-are-you-still-a-fan-of-calvin-hobbes/




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