828.anyone Interested?
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At the Ang Paw Furrez, we collected a total (donations plus proceeds from sales of tshirts, cookies, cakes and Misai Kucing) of RM568 for Meiji.
There were some leftover cookies, so now it’s all sold off, so the total increased to RM628.
Then, Linda Labrooy donated another RM200 to Meiji’s dogfood fund, making it a grand total of RM828 (an auspicious number, folks…I shall say no more!).
Linda also gave a RM50 ang pow to Meiji for her personal use.
We will be purchasing dogfood for Meiji with this RM828 together with our Sunsuper sharing (in about 2-3 weeks’ time). The donation for Meiji’s personal use has already been banked into her account.
P.S. Not that I know much, but those “88″ numbers normally don’t strike, if you know what I am referring to! :))
Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/02/06/828-anyone-interested/
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