
Updates On Daisy, Thor And Dewey! (from The Anonymous Fosterer)


Here are happy news!

Dear Dr.Chan,
Hope all is well at your end. It’s about time I give you a quick update on the 3 musketeers.
All 3 are on solid food daily once now. Their appetite has increased and they are drinking milk like every 2 hours. Daisy is the monster, she’s hungry all the time She’s back to her active self in fact more active than before although she’s tiny kitty with a big belly.You should see how she fights with Dewey and Thor at times. when i serve them food, that’s the time Daisy’s aggressive side comes out. She’s smart enough to figure out she needs to be feisty to survive I guess :) Dewey on the other hand, the clean freak. He’s always clean and often caught him grooming himself, but he’s very demanding. Needs attention all the time. If he see me patting Daisy or Thor, he would quickly come near and swat my fingers as if asking me to pat him too. Thor, is not the Mighty Thor any-more.He has toned down a lot, still as big as before, clever enough to use the litter tray all by himself whereas the other 2 still needs a bit of assistance.His favourite pass time now is to chase his own shadow, hilarious to watch. Thor has a bit of skin rash around his paw on his back leg and the front paw.I have been using some herbal cream on it and it looks like getting better. if it doesn’t get better in  a few days, we will be visiting the vet once more. Also, not to forget daisy’s big belly. even after the de-worm, her belly is quite big but that doesn’t stop her from running like Usain Bolt.
So, this is all for now, and will keep you posted in about 2 weeks. Attached are the photos which was taken this afternoon.












Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/02/21/updates-on-daisy-thor-and-dewey-from-the-anonymous-fosterer/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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